It's funny
the lyrics of my own
that flow
to my lips
when there is nothing
but silence infiltrating my ears.
Giving space for growth, making room for acceptance of the changes.
This past weekend, I made the time to be quiet with my own self. Worries and unresolved issues bubbled up and I had a space to dwell on it rather than plugging into my Ipod or chatting with someone about something irrelevant. It is a rare occasion when I have nothing scheduled ON PURPOSE. It felt delicious; I was anxious that it wouldn't be as satisfying as it was. I often find myself filling my schedule not necessarily because I want it that full but because I want to keep moving rather than reflecting. It's easy to avoid meditation when you aren't ready to hear what your soul needs to tell you, or what God needs to tell you.
So simple it is to slip into self ignorance; the journal gathers dust as I spend my extra time watching a TV show, picking up extra tasks, or spending all my extra time around people. What do you find yourself doing to avoid listening to yourself and God? Try as hard as I might to be in touch with my feelings, I watch myself distracting rather than focusing.
I gave myself some space this weekend and repercussions of this self-reflection time are strength and genuine laughs when I got back into the swing of my daily life as a student, barista, leader, and friend. I've felt more energy these past days than I have in the last few months (probably also has to do with the amazing amount of sleep I got this weekend).
Mantra for this week:
My foundation is love and with that love, I am kind to myself and the needs of my soul.
My heart is my own, right here in my chest. It stays with me and I can give it freely yet wisely.
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